栗原 翼 Tsubasa KURIHARA

これまでにトロンボーンを新田幹男(NHK交響楽団首席)、バストロンボーンをBen van Dijk(ロッテルダムフィルハーモニー管弦楽団)、各氏に師事。指揮を、広上淳一、増井信貴、三河正典、三原明人、加納明洋、各氏に師事。東京音楽大学有志弦楽合奏を指揮し、コー・ガブリエル・亀田氏(ミュンヘン音楽・演劇大学教授、ソリスト)と共演。また横浜国立大学管弦楽団で代理指揮を務めた。2021年度、日本製鉄文化財団の若手指揮者育成支援制度に合格。指揮研究員、副指揮者として紀尾井ホール室内管弦楽団の元で学ぶ。
Tsubasa Kurihara is a Japanese Conductor.
He studied initially as a bass trombonist at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, however soon turned his talents to conducting.
He recently graduated from the Tokyo college of music at the top of his class where he studied with Junichi Hirokami, Nobutaka Masui, Akihito Mihara, Masanori Mikawa and Akihiro Kano.
In 2021 he became assistant conductor of Kioi chamber orchestra and received a scholarship by NIPPON STEEL Arts foundation. Tama Youth Orchestra guest conductor, Yokohama City Trombone Ensemble music director.